? Swiss Made Hublot Big Bang King 48mm Replica

Hublot Replica

Swiss Made Hublot Big Bang King 48mm Replica

hublot replica

Fuente cigars reached the top of the world's tobacco production. This was possible only through passion, sacrifice and the drive to succeed. The "Hublot Big Bang King 48mm Replica Arturo Fuente y Compahia", a Cuban-based business, was established in 1912. It has been through many difficulties, including a forced exile from Cuba after the Castroists took power and exile in Nicaragua. Finally, it was set up in Dominican Republic. Here, its rollers and planters finally found a home that matched their incredible talent. Here, in the early eighties, Carlito Fuente (worthy descendant of Arturo) set up his cigar factory despite all the advice not to. It was a risk that paid off. One hundred and five years later, Fuente has risen to the top of the cigar industry in Cuba.

The exact replica watches was in 2012. Both brands decided to join forces, bonded by their mutual desire to demonstrate excellence in their respective fields. The Fuente Family Foundation has produced several watches collections and other charitable initiatives that have helped the Dominican people. The Hublot Classic Fusion Fuente Limited Edition watch is a new creation that pays tribute to their shared love for fine craftsmanship. The new release will be available in three limited edition models.

"My family and me are moved by the Hublot-Fuente design. It is a tribute to our emotional connections to the land, the earth that allows us to make our cigars, and to our roots. It honors once again the shared values of both the Fuente tabacalera as well as the Hublot manufacturing." Arturo Fuente CEO Carlito Fuente

The swiss Hublot Big Bang King 48mm Replica is used to create the first model. It comes in King Gold, an exclusive alloy that Hublot created and which combines gold and titanium. The Fuente house is honoured by the fine engraving of the crown, bezel, and case made from this precious material. The case features a drawing of tobacco leaves, while the bezel depicts a motif that is reminiscent of the earthenware tiles used to decorate the floors of colonial Havana's old colonial homes. It also includes the Fuente family emblem, the letter X.

The watch's back is inscribed with an illustration that evokes Guines, the place in Havana where the Fuente family's history began. It also bears "Chateau De la Fuente" as well as the limited edition serial number. It features a dial with gold-plated appliques and a burgundy color. This same tonality is used on the deployant buckle clasp strap made of rubber-lined alligator leather. This version will be available in fifty pieces.

"This new creation is an homage to the craftsmanship, a celebration in human spirit to the precision and finesse required to make excellent cigars, and watchmaking. We feel very close to Fuente's family in this aspect.

This second variant features a stunning livery in brushed Titanium. It has the same fine chasings and blue tint as the King Gold model for its dial, strap and dial. 100 pieces of this model will be made.

Bronze is the third version. It's a fine alloy that reflects light over time. This beautifully matches the tone of green used for its dial and strap. This final version will also come in 100 pieces.

The best Hublot Big Bang King 48mm Replica calibre will be installed in all three editions. This automatic movement operates at 28'800 A/h with a 42-hour reserve and has a frequency of 28กฏ800 A/h. Ricardo Guadalupe (CEO of Hublot), will unveil them during Fuente's Asian Tour.